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Trusting the Saviour

Luke 7-9

23 March 2025
The Cross-Shaped Life
Luke 9:18-27
by Joel Sim

In a society where there were various ideas of who Jesus Christ is, He clarifies what it means for Him to be the Messiah. In light of His identity, Jesus calls His disciples, saved by grace, to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. What we have in Jesus is satisfaction that is greater than anything or anyone on earth can possibly give us.

The Cross-Shaped Life - Joel Sim
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16 March 2025
Jesus’ Provision for the Mission
Luke 9:10-17
by Tan Huai Tze

Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fishes from His disciples and multiplied it to feed a multitude numbering the thousands. From this account, we learn that Jesus provides because His heart is filled with compassion for people, when they are weak and cannot provide for themselves, and by multiplying what they already had. All of this points forward to Jesus’ greatest act of provision, the giving of Himself on the Cross. If we are assured of what He has already provided, we will be assured that He will provide for everything we need to follow Him.

Jesus’ Provision for the Mission - Tan Huai Tze
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9 March 2025
Living Out the Mission
Luke 9:1-9
by Tan Huai Tze

Jesus sends out his 12 apostles with the power and authority to preach the gospel and to heal. The apostles have a unique role (Ephesians 2:20) and are therefore endowed with special gifts (2 Corinthians 12:12). While we do not have the same role, or have the same gifts, there are similarities. We too are sent by Jesus, sustained by Jesus, and shaped like Jesus in our ministry of Word and deed, proclamation and demonstration, evangelism and mercy.

Living Out the Mission - Tan Huai Tze
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2 March 2025
Jesus’ Power over Sickness and Death
Luke 8:40-56
by Tan Huai Tze

Jesus heals a woman who had suffered from a 12-year illness and raises the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus, the synagogue ruler, from death. Both Jairus and the woman reached the limits of their own power, yet Jesus demonstrates His superior power over sickness and death. He does for them what they could not do for themselves. These remarkable miracles not only reveal His divine compassion but also foreshadow the greater healing and resurrection that Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection. We can access this saving power through faith in Him.

Jesus’ Power over Sickness and Death - Tan Huai Tze
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23 February 2025
The Compassionate Authority of Christ
Luke 8:26-39
by Chua Si Yang

The story of the demon-possessed man is well-known to many yet it can often feel far removed from modern readers. While demon possession is a central feature, the story is really about how Jesus' compassion and authority meet the oppressed and needy. This story challenges us then to consider how we would respond in light of this.

The Compassionate Authority of Christ - Chua Si Yang
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16 February 2025
From Fear to Faith
Luke 8:22-25
by Joel Sim

In this story, Jesus and His disciples set out across Lake Gennesaret on a boat. What seemed like an ordinary event turned into a lesson on faith. This story shows us that Jesus is the Almighty Lord who is also our Redeemer. We can trust in Him and find the strength to face the storms in our lives, knowing that He is with us.

From Fear to Faith - Joel Sim
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9 February 2025
Doing the Word
Luke 8:16-21
by Tan Huai Tze

Jesus wants His followers to both hear and obey His Word. He shows us that His Word is light that shines into our darkness. It brings us into a life of knowing more and more of God. And it makes us part of God’s family.

Doing the Word - Tan Huai Tze
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2 February 2025
On Mission with Jesus
Luke 8:1-15
by Tan Huai Tze

Those who have encountered Jesus and been changed by Him join Him in bringing the good news of the God’s kingdom into the world. This is out of a deep sense of gratitude to God, involved both proclaiming and showing the kingdom and comes with sober, though hopeful outcomes.

On Mission with Jesus - Tan Huai Tze
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26 January 2025
How God’s Forgiveness Changes You
Luke 7:36-50
by Tan Huai Tze

In the encounter between Jesus, the sinful woman and the religious teacher, we see that true saving faith in Christ leads to forgiveness that produces radical change in us: we become devoted to Christ, filled with gratitude, and at peace with God.

How God’s Forgiveness Changes You - Tan Huai Tze
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19 January 2025
The Offense of the Gospel
Luke 7:18-35
by Aaron Akins

In this passage, we see that the kingdom of God is already here, though not quite according to the expectations of John the Baptist and his messengers. Though John was the greatest of the prophets, yet the least in God's kingdom would be greater than he because of its momentous significance. As significant as this is, there are those who would reject the message of the kingdom because its nature goes against our natural, sinful selves.

The Offense of the Gospel - Aaron Akins
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12 January 2025
Our Compassionate Lord
Luke 7:11-17
by Joel Sim

In this story that is unique to Luke's Gospel, Jesus Christ raised up the dead son of a widow. Despite the widow coming to the end of herself, Jesus did not turn away from her, which is what the society of her day would do. Jesus saw her sorrows and showed her sheer compassion by bringing her son back to life. Through this, we see that Jesus is no mere prophet or healer, but the Lord God who has come to redeem His people and is deserving of all praise.

Our Compassionate Lord - Joel Sim
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5 January 2025
A Faith Jesus Commends
Luke 7:1-10
by Tan Huai Tze

Through the faith of the centurion, we learn that the faith that Jesus commends involves sensing a need that only Jesus can meet, seeing you are truly unworthy of Jesus, and yet, trusting completely in His willingness and power to save.

A Faith Jesus Commends - Tan Huai Tze
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If you would like to visit One Covenant Church on Sundays, 10:15am, here are some useful information on where we are and how you could find us:


Auditorium (3rd Floor) of Marina One West Tower

9 Straits View, Marina One, Singapore 018937


For those driving,
1. Enter the Marina One Retail Parking on the left.
2. Park at B3 at the Blue Zone, West Tower, where ‘The Heart’ is
3. Take the Retail Lifts at ‘The Heart’ up to 3rd Floor


From Downtown station, via Exit E

From Marina Bay station, via Exit B

From Shenton Way station, via Exit 5

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© 2025 by One Covenant Church


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