Deacons: Caring through Serving
Various Scriptural texts
7 May 2023
Deacons as Qualified Servants in God's Church
1 Timothy 3:8-13
by Joel Sim
In this passage, the apostle Paul highlights what deacons are called to be. They are called to be faithful, exemplary men in their service so that the church may see the love of Jesus Christ concretely. Though being a deacon is hard, yet he can persist in his service because of the encouragement of the church, as well as the strengthening power that comes from Jesus.
30 April 2023
The Role of Deacons
Acts 6:1-7
by Tan Huai Tze
The church needs Deacons to meet practical needs so that the Gospel can continue to be spread and enjoyed. God uses the leaders and the whole congregation to select the right Deacons. With Deacons, the church becomes all that God wants it to be.
23 April 2023
Serving in the Household of God
Ephesians 4:1-16
by Joel Sim
The call to serve is not merely for a select few; it is for all believers who profess Jesus Christ. Service is based on Gospel truths, which we are called to speak lovingly to one another, and it involves building one another up with our spiritual gifts. We serve one another in order to reach spiritual maturity in the form of Christ-likeness.
16 April 2023
God’s Heart for the Poor and Needy
Deuteronomy 15:1-15, Luke 6:20-21
by Tan Huai Tze
The office of Deacon is an ‘office of compassion and service modelled after Christ’. And so, our series begins by uncovering God’s heart for the poor and needy, and our calling as His people to love and serve the poor and needy.